Digital Rewards & Gift Cards

Digital rewards & gift card program are included with your mobile app to add additional revenue and loyal customers to your business!

Adding a loyalty program to an e-commerce platform can increase average order quantity by 319%. - Incentive Solutions

65% of gift card holders spend an extra 38% beyond the value of the card. - SpotOn

Create Rewards Offers

Create loyalty program rewards that your customers can get by shopping at your business on a regular basis.

For instance, buy 12 donuts and get the next 1/2 dozen donuts for free.

Assign loyalty points a customer will get buying a product at the store and how many points each reward is worth.

Use A.I. Powered QR Code

We'll generate a smart QR code for your business. The QR code can be embedded in websites or printed out to put in the physical store location or marketing materials.

The Technology Tracks Customer Points and Rewards For You.

When customers hold their phone up to the QR code, the QR code will capture their email, create their loyalty membership, and assign/track their rewards points.

Your Customers Can See How Close They Are to Getting Their Reward.

Clients can then view the rewards points they have accumulated by shopping at your store and see how close they are to achieving a reward in their cloud-based mobile membership.

This encourages them to shop there more to get their rewards.

Create Gift Card Variations

Create multiple tiers of gift cards.

Just like Apple has $25, $50, and $100 gift cards for sale, you can create multiple gift cards for different amounts.

Showcase Your Gift Cards on Your Website

Once the gift cards are created, you can showcase them by using a simple link provided in the software. Customers can purchase gift cards for themselves anywhere including their phone or send to friends as presents.

Payment Processor Integration

Sell your company branded digital gift cards through your Stripe, RazorPay, or PayPal account. You collect the money and can issue refunds adding another revenue stream to your business.

Customer Tracking Dashboard

Keep track of all your customers and see how many points they have and which rewards they qualify for automatically.

When a customer asks to redeem their reward, you can double-check in the dashboard to make sure they are eligible.

Email Marketing Integration

Capture email addresses of customers and send them to the auto-responder of your choice. We integrate with the most popular auto-responders out there. Plus, customize the emails customers will receive when they redeem rewards, redeem gift cards, sign up for their membership, and more.

Advanced Analytics

See how well your loyalty programs are doing with advanced rewards programs and gift card analytics.

Here's What Our Clients Have to Say ...

"Our revenue jumped 20% last month by promoting the app on social media, promoting our special deals to our mobile app users, and offering our own company gift cards through the app! We are extremely happy and haven't even used all the features yet. Great job!"


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